WA Health e-health infrastructure
3 Local Hospital Networks based on geographic region + 2 specialist LHNs3 Primary Healthcare Networks
WA Health released the WA Health Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy 2015–2018 in April 2015.
For 2015-16: “Work in partnership with the National e-Health Transition Authority (NeHTA) to implement eHealth initiatives such as the State-wide Provider Index, State-wide Discharge Summary, the Notifications and Clinical Summaries (NaCS) Roll-Out and the Australian Medications Terminology mapping of WA’s drug catalogue.”
For 2016-17 & 2017-18: “Continue to work with the Australian Government and other States and Territories on the integration of the Personally Controlled e-Health Record with WA Health systems.”
WA Health has had significant setback to its e-health activities due to issues with the new Fiona Stanley Hospital.