Healthbase Blog

Surfing the PCEHR Waves

Well, it’s just a little over 14 months till the launch of Australia’s Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). And we have already seen two ‘waves’ of grant funded ‘implementations’ announced by Health Minister Nicola Roxon. The PCEHR draft ‘Concept of Operations‘ was released publicly on the 12th of April and  organisations and individuals have until 31st May to provide feedback. There is scant information available about any of the Wave 1 or Wave 2 e-health lead sites, but the wave 2 sites are required to submit detailed plans, also by 31st May. The eHealth sites program is being managed overall by NEHTA, under contract to the federal Department of Health and Ageing. $75.6 million has been allocated to establish and operate the eHealth sites.

In the absence of readily available and well collated information about the PCEHR implementation projects, HealthBase Australia has set up a one stop shop to help participating organisations and other interested parties – just visit . If you look at the any of the e-health lead site pages you will see a dearth of key project information. Healthbase Australia would be happy to complement this information if any of you have additional project knowledge. Just follow the contact link in this blog.

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