Healthbase Blog

banking on ehealth liquidity

The Australian Government has released its proposal for a “Competitive and Sustainable Banking System”, consisting of a number of parallel streams, the first of which includes:- “The Government will appoint former Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Bernie Fraser to conduct … Continue reading

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Anatomy of a PCEHR system

Well, two themes dominated the two day e-health summit in Melbourne this week:- Infectious enthusiasm vagueness of the PCEHR These two themes actually run hand in glove. Both the vagueness of the PCEHR model and the rampant optimism are in … Continue reading

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HealthConnect or Pink Bats Mark 2 ?

Amongst the frenetic activity arising from Health Minister Roxon’s promise to have a personally controlled health record (PCEHR) available to all Australians by July 2012, and her more recent announcement of a summit on the subject at the end of … Continue reading

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