Healthbase Blog

Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include version 2.51 of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include version 2.50 of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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The Power, the Glory and the Dangers of structured health data

It is now over eighteen months since I publicly aired my grave concerns regarding a  critical safety issue for Australia’s Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records (PCEHR) system, which centred around the lack of scrutiny of the quality of data in … Continue reading

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.49 version of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.48 version of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.47 version of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Sharing the Spin

My spin detector spun into the red zone last week following an article posted on a well known commentary web site in the Australian e-health space. The article opened with:- “As the adoption of the personal e-health record (PCEHR) in Australia … Continue reading

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.46 version of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.45 version of the AMT released by NEHTA today. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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Australian Medicines Terminology Browser update

Healthbase Australia has updated the free online Australian Medicines Terminology browser to include the 2.44 version of the AMT released by NEHTA yesterday. All deprecated versions are still available for browsing/searching.

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