Another 10 years?
Just a whisker over 10 years ago, closely following the release of the National Electronic Health Records Task Force’s landmark report, but before “e-health” or “electronic health records” became household words, a National Health Online Summit was held in Adelaide. … Continue reading
reflections on reflections
Whilst we linger in the doldrums of the post-election impasse, there have been some interesting media articles regarding e-health in Australia, furnished particularly during the Health Informatics Society of Australia’s annual conference. Although I didn’t attend this year, two particularly … Continue reading
evolution, revolution and pathology
Why so complex? This is the first of several blogs on the subject of pathology data. Others will cover principles and pragmatic tradeoffs. There are many independent factors associated with diagnostic tests, that when combined, produce an unparalleled level of … Continue reading
evolution, revolution and NEHTA
There is a wide spectrum of opinion in Australia regarding how e-health should be progressed. At one end of this spectrum we have the proponents of national-scale, top-down architected and developed infrastructure, such as exemplified by HealthConnect and by the … Continue reading